Friday, 16 November 2007


Boy was I dying to take photos of fireworks this year. I've tried loads of times and never succeeded. This year I was prepared.

By happy coincidence my friend Clare was having her birthday party on the night of the Wicksteed Park firework display and I was invited. By even happier coincidence she lives almost directly opposite the event. This meant I could set up my tripod in her garden rather than at the actual event where I risked getting in the way of the crowds. I was most grateful for this because it meant I could fumble and faff as much as I liked without getting all flustered and embarrassed.

So with my tripod set up and my piece of balck card...carefully cut to be just larger than my lens I was poised.

The first few shots were unmitigated disasters. I set the exposure time to 30 secs but even with my card covering the lens between bangs the images were hopelessly over exposed. I reduced the exposure time to ten seconds and started to get some reasonable images. By judicious experimentation I hit a rhythm...whoosh...pause...remove card...BANG...replace card...whoosh...pause...remove card...BANG...etc. I'm ridiculously pleased with the results.
These photos have not been enhanced in Photoshop at all. I will clone out the bottom in the bottom right when I get time.

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